Who We Are

PracticeProfiles was established by Dr Michael Hage, a registered medical practitioner, back in 2003. Over the course of 20 years, PracticeProfiles has grown to become a specialist clinical analytics provider in the general medical practice space.

Our purpose is to provide General Practice with the framework, process, and technology to help their doctors to improve the clinical outcomes of their patients.

We understand the importance of delivering quality services to our practices. We strive to deliver robust, user-friendly, intuitive solutions, that present clear, concise, accurate and actionable reporting outputs. We also take privacy and data security very seriously and continuously work to update and improve our policies, procedures and overall implementation in these domains.

Health analytics for better patient care

Our Policies

Our Privacy Policy

PracticeProfiles may collect your personal information (PI) directly from you, or from your organisation. The personal information we collect will vary – but can include your name, contact details, answers to questions and surveys and (if you are a practitioner and your practice consents) information about the clinical treatment of de-identified patients &/or patient groups.

We collect information about you when your organisation uses or asks to use our services, or when you communicate with us. We also collect such information if you are providing services to us or apply for employment with us.

Our Data Governance Policy

Every program conducted by PracticeProfiles will have its own consent form that clearly outlays the terms and conditions of your practice’s involvement.

For our most expansive program in terms of scope of data collected, we collect data that allows us to report back to you on quality improvement metrics.

The types of quality improvement metrics we report on include (but are not limited to):

– Compliance with clinical guidelines

– Quality of medical record keeping

– Population health outcomes

Our Data Security Policy

The data that leaves your practice never includes any personal information elements that can identify patients i.e. the data is de-identified within your firewalls before being packaged and delivered to us.

PraxMax Clinic allows you to re-identify patients for your internal use. PraxMax Clinic links to your clinical database; and, reads a reference specific to each patient (that was originally sent with the data) that re-identifies the patient within your firewalls only.

We do not collect practitioner identities unless you have given consent for us to do so. In those circumstances, we only do so for the purpose of reporting back to you for your own internal use.

Our Team

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Dr Michael Hage MB BS (Melb)

Principal and Founder

Michael graduated Medicine from The University of Melbourne in 1998. After rotating through various clinical positions, Michael became very interested in how information technology can play its part to improve the delivery of healthcare. In 2003, his passion for this emerging disciple, drove him to seek and work with a group of dedicated and like-minded GPs to pilot what was the start of Practice Profiles.

Michael is now committed to a career that merges the three disciplines of medicine, technology and business, and through Practice Profiles, aims to deliver services that help practices improve patient outcomes in a meaningful and sustainable way.

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Mark Irving BSc Hons, PhD

Senior Technical Advisor
Mark has been with Practice Profiles since its inception in 2003, initially as a developer and now as Senior Technical Advisor. He works closely with the Product Delivery Manager and Development Team to ensure our programs comply with industry standards and meet technical requirements, by recommending the best technology and architecture solutions for our clients.
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Claire Wilson

Product Delivery Manager
Claire is a certified PRINCE2 Practitioner (project management methodology certification) with over 10 years’ experience in managing software development, systems and infrastructure projects.  She leads our experienced and dedicated Development Team and ensures project deliverables and objectives are met in accordance with our strategic roadmap, business goals and client requirements.
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Sandy Lo Piccolo

Sales and Marketing Manager
Sandy has a Bachelors in Commerce specialising in Marketing and Strategy development. She has over 13 years marketing experience in global FMCG companies based in South Africa and Australia. She leads the sales and marketing function of our business and ensures that the business strategy is implemented effectively while ensuring that each client receives the highest standard of service.
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Biagio Pitruzello

Technical Support Manager
Biagio has been with Practice Profiles for over 15 years. He is responsible for managing our data collection and reporting infrastructure  nationally, and supports our clients by liaising directly with practices and their IT providers for the installation and support of our programs.